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Showing posts from 2014

Kuala Lumpur Novelty Birthday Cake

Shop online for personalized 3D birthday cakes, cupcakes and fondant 3D themed cakes for family, friends, loved one and all occasions. Free delivery your order to anywhere within Cake Shop Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Johor Bahru and Penang in Malaysia. Burberry Textures Gift Box Hand Crafted Cakes Tiffany Engagement Rings Hand crafted cakes Jose Cuervo Hand Carved Bottle Cakes Micky Mice Hand-sculpted Designed Cakes Japan Totoro Sculpted Themed Cakes Batman Joker Sculpted Figurine Cakes Little Pony Hand-sculpted Kids Cakes Batman Hand carved 3D Cakes Ho hidden fees! online secure payment!

The Easiest Way to Send 3D Cake to Friends and Family in Kuala Lumpur

We have made it easier to send birthday themed cake to Johor Bahru and Kuala Lumpur through No hidden fees and online personalized your own creative 3d cake. Free delivery to your loved one door step. Handscuplted edible one piece character - Tony tony chopper Handsculpted Sesame Street character - Elmo Handsculpted Ninja Turtles Figurine Cupcakes Handcarved BMW automobile 3d birthday cake Handcraft 3d ducati motobike in red Handsculpted Santa Claus Xmas cake for this Chritmas Handsculpted Mario Figurine Birthday Cake for Kids Handsculpted Sesame Street Character Cupcakes Handsculpted Doraemon, Shinchan and pororo charcater birthday cakes Thomas and train figurine 3d cake Send your love made simple, secure payment with credit card and debit card. Visit now: Kuala Lumpur & Johor Bahru Cake Shop

3D novelty birthday cake just for you

Send Novelty 3D Cakes   to  Penang, Johor Bahru, Kuala Lumpur, included Selangor major city for your beloved ones for their special occasions.  Barney 3D Themed Cake Apple iPhone Shaped Cake Lovely Baby in Tub, special for baby 1st birthday.  Swimming Pool Party Birthday Cakes Stadium Themed Cake Camping Birthday Cake Hello Kitty Pink Themed Cakes Golf Themed Birthday Cake for Parent.  Spiderman Themed Cake for Children Birthday Party.  Baby Bunny in Purple.  Buy fresh bake birthday cake to send loved one and family in Malaysia just visit  We accept Credit Card/Debit Card/PayPal secure payment.


法式千层蛋糕在马来西亚已经是很普遍了,千篇一律的样貌只是口感有所不同。如果是生日喜庆,也只是在蛋糕上写几个字。然而现在千层蛋糕也可以用翻糖干佩斯做装饰。这只在CakeDeliver可以看到的创意蛋糕。现提供两种口味,原味与三合一。 让生日过得不一样吧。 马里奥也特别喜欢奶油蛋糕吧! 小黄人也来凑热闹了。 选择创意蛋糕只在客礼唯诗CakeDeliver。一键订购创意蛋糕送你家!


猫头鹰博士-给婴儿宝宝周岁的最佳生日蛋糕。 高球球场-给父亲的父亲节可爱蛋糕 鞋子-让孩子能脚踏实地,独立的生日蛋糕。 农场的小猪 - 可爱的小猪蛋糕 小猪猪杯子蛋糕 克罗比 - 日本卡通人物造型蛋糕 猫头鹰纸杯蛋糕 公主之冠 - 给年轻少女的生日 粉红城堡 - 给宝贝女儿的可爱蛋糕 所有蛋糕都可在线预购与付款, 简单的生日蛋糕预购 !吉隆坡,新山,槟城,雪兰尔,巴生皆免费送货!送个蛋糕给心爱的家人吧!


奶油造型蛋糕 是依照图样切外型以奶油装饰,较低价但无法做複杂造型,适合做 卡通造型蛋糕 。故卡通人物最好只做头部以免製作全身裁切过多且有断裂风险 ,蛋糕口味如未蒙指定则以师傅自由搭配出货。价格较为大众化。当然价格也因为蛋糕大小而有所不同,有的蛋糕也只能用面积较大的尺寸才能制作。 小朱珠奶油造型蛋糕 愤怒鸟奶油造型蛋糕 拉拉熊奶油造型蛋糕 汽车奶油造型蛋糕 巧虎奶油造型蛋糕 一般上奶油 造型蛋糕 都需要3天预定,口味可选;莫卡,鲜橙味,巧克力,香草,香兰等。